The candidates used to make me titter. But this bunch today just makes me bitter. They don't respect science, Or legal compliance. Thus, I write on the walls of this shitter.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Then there are the two brothers name of Koch
Getting rich issuing cancerous smoke.
Sons of John Birch:
The poor, they besmirch
And the ninety-nine per cent, they provoke.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Candidates want a wall of bricks and boards
To keep out the rapists and the drug lords.
But Jeb sounds the alarm
Of a far greater harm:
The potential danger of Mongol Hordes! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

FOX News' Mr. Ailes, we have you to thank
For putting together tomorrow's 'think tank'.
Now how shall I prepare
For the truths I will hear?
I know; I believe I'll have another wank!